“What I’m Thankful For”

DECEMBER 2016 THE WRITE STUFF PAGE  NCW Essay Contest Winner by Kurt Buss As a Baby Boomer, I’ve lived long enough to be thankful for many things—and I’m most thankful for that. With Cuba in the news following Castro’s death I’m reminded of the Cold War, and how close the world came to nuclear annihilation

By |December 7th, 2016|Tags: , , |

Shatter Your Fears: Climbing a 14er for the first (and only) time as a Boomer

This story was originally published by BoomerCafe.com “Come on, Dad. You can do it!” My twenty-something daughter’s voice was bouncing in my head. She had been saying that for years whenever we talked about “climbing a 14er,” and she was saying it now, as I struggled beneath the summit of Mt. Torrey (elevation 14,275’) in

By |November 19th, 2016|Tags: , , |
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